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pitch toolkit

Pitch toolkit

You get one chance to make a first impression during presentation, so what will you do? Use entrepreneur pitch toolkit to succeed.
June 13, 2022

The most important thing an entrepreneur can do is learn how to pitch their business. The right tone of voice, timing and expression are all crucial when convincing people that your idea will work out well for them – especially in this tough economy.

The goal of any startup is to create something new and different. You’ll face disbelief, resistance from other people in your field who may think they know what’s best for you or how things should be done – but don’t let it get ahead. Instead find ways that will make them believe again because there has never been a better time than now.


Don’t forget that your audience doesn’t know what you’re talking about. You should give them the context and describe the changes which are already happening. People need help understanding that there’s more than one option. It all starts with explaining what has happened before versus how things are now. Because both realities matter. In order get audience’s imagination running wild it’s need to focus on framing this bigger issue:  “What used be possible?” And then describe simply but importantly the pain point/problem (illustrative examples accepted).



Focus on the emotional experience of your target audience. The customer is always the hero of your startup’s story. Your product or service helps them to achieve their goals and live better lives, so it should be about what they want from you in return – not how things work around here.



Strong language is more than just using big words. It’s when you can paint a picture or evoke an emotion with your content, by drawing on examples that pull in people and make it personal for them. The first thing to start with should be question, statement, jokes, statistics or story. And remember: don’t ever start off boring-paced because everything has its place and time.



When you get your audience thinking, sharing and talking about their own agenda they are more open to hearing what you have planned. You can take advantage this by asking them questions in a Poll or conducting an “Around The Room” discussion for each person. This way everyone’s emotional connected will be stronger because it feels as if there isn’t anyone else out here looking forward getting results from us.



Your tonal starting point is perfect for you, but if you stay in that one spot it means a monotone voice. Use more of your entire range to place emphasis on keywords by using loud and soft sounds throughout the content as well pausing between each sentence or phrase. Silence being an even stronger tool than tone because when we stop talking our minds quiet down too.



Make hand movements a part of your speech. Wave them like you mean it when saying certain keywords, and think up gestures that match what words come out. You don’t need to gesture every single word: 30-40% matching will sound excellent instead. Just identify those key phrases or concepts which is important to highlight.



The first thirty seconds of your presentation can determine the rest. If you’re not confident, engaging and captivating from start to finish then people will lose interest fast. You’ve got one chance at capturing their attention so make it count. Start off by telling them who you are as well as why they need listen – just do this in a manner that makes them like you.



Notes are a great way to get back on track when you start feeling stumbling. But don’t rely too much on it, you can break flow and eye contact with your audience. Instead use sneaky methods like writing notes on water bottle labels or napkins. Just know that they’re there in case anything goes wrong; keep them secreted away from view until needed most.



Well-fitting clothes are essential for a successful presentation. They will keep you feeling cool and eliminating any embarrassing sweat stains that might appear on your skin due to fear or excitement, depending upon the situation. Choose fabrics such as 100% cotton, linen etc., so they keeping you comfortable while you give your best presentation in front of audience.


Finally, before you go on stage, tell yourself that you aren’t nervous but excited. This small change in mindset makes a big difference and will help to get in the right mood. Put your hands above head to calm nerves while reminding self: I’m ready.

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